Can I See a Physical Sample of a Mug?
While we endeavour to give you all the information you need online to help you decide which of our products to buy, here at Planet Mugs we understand that sometimes viewing images just isn't enough. This is why we are happy to offer physical samples for you to check out before ordering.
What Samples Do You Offer?
Per standard, we can provide one unbranded physical mug sample per inquiry. Depending on the cost of the mug we may be able to provide it free of charge, or with the cost of shipping added. If you require additional samples (or samples with previous branding jobs on them), we can provide them at a discounted rate, plus the cost of shipping.
Can You Make a Sample Featuring My Logo?
If you would prefer to see a sample of your promotional mug with your branding printed on it, this is something that we can arrange. This is called a "pre-production sample" and involves additional costs, including full print setup. Because of the costs involved, we do not recommend this option for orders below 2000 mugs. Instead, we can offer a free virtual mockup of your design on the mugs.
However, if it is important for you to have a pre-production sample featuring your unique logo we can assist. Please let our sales team know you would like to learn more about our printed sampling process. Keep in mind that any changes made to the final mug after sample printing has commenced may incur additional setup fees.